air portrait.png

Out of all the costumes, “Air” was the most challenging. With the other four elements, at least there was something to “base” the design and shape motifs off of. Something physical that we can see with our eyes in the real world. But with Air, it is invisible! What can an invisible element be personified as? To break down this element a “stream of consciousness” list was created starting with more broad associations to air, then breaking them down. 


 Concept Art Pieces

air heads.png
Air portrait.jpg

The costume for Fire was the first illustration done for the project way before envisioning the style of the rest of the production. The design was originally more tribal looking, with more literal leaf shapes and feathers. The discovery of the Jember Fashion Carnival, was ultimately what helped move the show towards the more eastern inspired looks for the costumes and puppets. 

fire portrait.png

 Concept Art Pieces

earth portrait.png

In contrast to Fire, Earth’s personality and costume are more calm and welcoming. Her design did not want her to become a stereotypical “mother earth” type character. There is a balance between power and mother-like worry about everything. She is wise, but doesn’t speak up much. She secretly enjoys having the other elements by her side and prefers to battle in a team setting.


 Concept Art Pieces

Earth_New_Costume 2.jpg
earth headdress turnaround.jpg
Earth copy.jpg

Alchemy of Earth was originally set to be a story about Fire and Ice. The character of Water’s first costume was more of an icy variation. The headdress and costume both feature large shards of ice wrapping around the performer. The color palette provided an extreme contrast to the Fire costume, which reflected their opposite personalities. However, this original idea for the story was scrapped in favor of a more team-based adventure. So the character of Ice quickly melted into what we know now as Water.

water portrait.png

 Concept Art Pieces

Untitled_Artwork 22.jpg
void portrait.png

The Void is the villain of this universe, and the costume was designed to have a sharp contrast as opposed to the Elements. The Void’s costume is more sharp and pointed, as well as having more tattered and torn edges. The Elements’ costumes are more soft and curved in their shape language. The speckled sparkly fabric, creates a motif of stars in the endless galaxies of space. The most obvious comparison is that the Void’s costume has silver fabric throughout, whereas the Elements’ have gold fabric in their costumes.


 Concept Art Pieces

void costume design.jpg
void headdress turnaround.jpg
void heads.png