
Below are selected storyboards highlighting key moments from the story. The full script can be viewed at the bottom of this page to get a better understanding of the show’s plot.



“Our planet as we know it once stood empty, dark, and dull. The forces of nature not yet realized by themselves and each other. These forces are more powerful than they know. The creation of life is not to be selfishly claimed but rather shared and collaborative. However, these ideas have not yet been grasped by our heroes and creators of this planet. What will it take to realize the power of creation and blending of all four elemental powers?"



“Our four Heroes. Each born onto this empty planet. At this time they have only begun to realize their true power. They all represent the ability to create and manipulate elements which will make up our planet. “



“Little to their knowledge with the creation of each of them, another, more dark, element was created as well, the Void. A combination of all things evil and cruel, a place where no life thrives. He too will want to claim this planet as his own.”



“But fear not, a prophecy proclaims, “when these four elements combine forces, a path will lead them to the greatest power of all. One greater than the Void. This path can only be found when the four elements work together as one.

However, will everyone’s quest for power lead to each other's demise? Or will they learn to work together to abolish evil from this planet?”


Everyone continues to bicker at each other, their outbursts send physical effects flying around the stadium. Right on top of the audience. CO2 jets pop up sporadically near the front row, water mists the audience, sounds of crashing and things breaking for comical element.



“I want the same thing as you! Look around, this blank canvas! This planet! I want it all for myself, with no life and no one to take it from me. For I AM the VOID.  A place where only darkness thrives.” He shows his power, through projection and darkness that creeps over the audience.

“Now you have something I need. That map. I need it to finish consuming this planet with darkness.”


The four are on separate barges each with lights and fun effects traveling around the arena. The barges slow and the elements make their way to the center stage. Music builds and we see a rising shrine like structure rise from stage right. It glows and has smoke around it. The surrounding rocks appear to be flowing with magical power.

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The Elements back away from the pedestal and out pop the four puppets SPIRIT GUIDES, in the very comical moment. The goofy looking puppets stand up, look around and put their arms up.